

Add a custom GeoJSON layerAdd custom static GeoJSON data to the map.Adding a custom raster layerAdd a custom raster tile layer to the map.Adding a custom vector tile layerAdd a custom vector tile layer to the map.Change map unitsChange units of data displayed on the map in real time.Change timeline rangeUpdate the timeline start and/or end date range in real-time.Custom alert stylesUse custom alert layer styles to show different alert levels.Custom earthquake symbols using a shaderUse a custom WebGL fragment shader to apply unique and animated visual effects to earthquake data.Custom fire symbols using a shaderUse a custom WebGL fragment shader to apply a realistic fire effect to wildfire data.Customizing the heat index legendUpdate the default heat index legend with custom labels.Custom lightning symbols using a shaderUse a custom WebGL fragment shader to create a custom effect for lightning strike data.Custom lightning strike stylingCustomize the appearance of lightning strike data based on strike age.Customizing radar color scaleApply a custom color scale to the precipitation type radar layer.Customizing temperature colorsApply a custom color scale to the temperature layer.Customizing wind particlesUse a custom color scale and particle settings with the wind particles layer.Create a freeze layerUse a custom color scale to highlight frost/freeze temperatures.Using MapsGL with Google MapsUse MapsGL with a Google Maps map.Adding a land mask to a raster layerAdd a land mask to a raster tile layer on the map.Controlling layer orderingControl the ordering of weather layers on the map.Using MapsGL with LeafletUse MapsGL with a Leaflet map.Setting map unitsSet the default units of data displayed on the map.Using MapsGL with Mapbox GLUse MapsGL with a Mapbox GL map.Using MapsGL with MaplibreUse MapsGL with a Maplibre map.Add a Nextzen cities text layerAdd city text labels from a Nextzen vector tile source scaled by population.Preload animated weather dataPreload animation data for active weather layers when the map is initialized so that playback can begin immediately without having to wait for animation data to load.Temperature text labels using GeoJSON placesQuery temperature data for the top 100 cities in the US and display their values on the map.Wind speed text labels using custom GeoJSONQuery wind speed data from custom GeoJSON locations and display their values on the map.Adjusting temperature draw range in real timeAdjust the colorized draw range for encoded raster data in real time.Set up timeline animation controlsSet up map timeline animation controls to allow the user to control playback and view the current animation progress.Adjusting particle draw range in real timeAdjust the particle draw range for encoded raster data in real time.Create a wind speed categories layerUse a custom color scale for wind speed to show categorical winds.