



Weather confidence
for energy


WWee aarree VVaaiissaallaa XXwweeaatthheerr.. WWee aarree tthhee wweeaatthheerr iinntteelllliiggeennccee ppaarrttnneerr ffoorr tthhee wwoorrlldd''ss lleeaaddiinngg oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnss aanndd ggoovveerrnnmmeennttss.. WWee ttuurrnn wweeaatthheerr ffrroomm aa cchhaalllleennggee iinnttoo aann aaddvvaannttaaggee..

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Our X factor is Xcast

Xcast is Xweather's proprietary technology that enables forecast accuracy unmatched in the market.

By combining unique measurement data from local sensors with cutting‑edge AI models, we provide the most accurate, timely, and actionable weather insights.

With Xcast, you see what others don't. And when you see ahead more clearly, you can optimize operations, automate decision‑making, and create positive business and environmental impacts.

Weather confidence in action for

aviation safety

district heating

road safety

crop protection


Global network of lightning sensors + AI/ML model


Forecast lightning risks up to 60 minutes in advance

Maximized safety, minimized delays

Grounding flights can cost airlines and airports thousands of dollars per minute. A fast and accurate assessment of severe weather risks is critical for maximizing operational efficiency while ensuring worker safety.

Xweather operates a global network of lightning sensors that feed an AI model powered by Xcast technology to create lightning forecasts and alerts for at-risk areas up to 60 minutes in advance.


Total Lightning Statistics 2023

Discover the most lightning-prone U.S. wind farms, at-risk metropolitan areas, and more in the 2023 Vaisala Xweather Annual Lightning Report.


Our weather intelligence and solutions are tailor-made for you, no matter what industry your organization or business is in.




Digital Marketing

Energy and Utilities



Smart Home


Transportation + Logistics

The planet's easiest-to-integrate weather intelligence

Weather API

A global weather API to power all of your weather-influenced business needs, form the basic to the most complex.


High-quality vector-based weather data, imagery, and animations for your applications and custom solutions.

Toolkits + SDKs

Get up and running fast with any of our data and mapping services using our developer toolkits and SDKs.

We've been weather‑confident for a while

Since 1936 — and since MIT became our first client — we have committed ourselves to measure what matters and turn it into action.

It's time to turn weather into something to look forward to, not something to fear.

It's time to turn climate anxiety into climate confidence.

It's time to choose Vaisala Xweather.