Layer Invert

Xweather Raster Maps provides support for inverting the colors on an individual raster layer. This modifier is useful where inverting the color may help improve the visual appearance of a layer on a base map.

Layer Invert

To invert the colors of a layer, add :invert() immediately after the layer within the URL. For example, using lightning-strikes:invert() would invert the colors of the lightning-strikes layer:{client_id}_{client_secret}/flat,lightning-strikes:invert(),cities/700x300/fort%20naples,fl,7/current.png

Invert example

Invert with Opacity

Invert and other layer modifiers, such as opacity, may be applied together by chaining them in the URL. For example, to render a lightning-strike layer with the colors inverted and an opacity of 50%, you would use lightning-strikes:invert():50{client_id}_{client_secret}/flat,lightning-strikes:invert():50,cities/700x300/fort%20naples,fl,7/current.png

Invert example