





Expert opinion

Vaisala Xweather introduces Xcast® – for the world’s most accurate weather forecasts

1.8.2024//Expert opinion, Weather

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Scott Mackaro

Head of Innovation

What is Xcast?

Vaisala Xweather is excited to introduce Xcast – a technology that enables forecast accuracy unmatched in the market. Xcast leverages Vaisala’s sensors trusted by governments and business worldwide.  We strategically deploy the sensors in locations that impact your businesses to capture nuances that other forecasts miss. We combine this hyperlocal sensor data with other comprehensive datasets such as global models, measurements from satellites, and connected car data to power advanced Machine Learning based Weather Prediction (MLWP). Such an unparalleled diversity of proprietary data sources provides the most reliable ground-truth data; when paired with our AI platform, it sets us far apart from anyone else in the weather industry. The result? Confidence in your weather forecast for positive impact on your business.   

Such an unparalleled diversity of proprietary data sources sets Xweather far apart from anyone else in the weather industry.

Such an unparalleled diversity of proprietary data sources sets Xweather far apart from anyone else in the weather industry.

Xcast enables personalized weather forecasts that have been demonstrated to offer accuracy improvements of up to 78%. Take, for example, for improved energy demand forecast for a leading energy company: Xcast reduced the number of large errors (2.5+°C) by more than 58% (24-hour forecast) and by 48% (48-hour forecast) compared to standard weather forecasts. Or, how it boosted forecast accuracy by 78% for a vineyard in the United States. Xcast powers many of our products today and we are continuously working on adding new sensor and parameter support to meet the unique needs of your business.   

Why Xcast?

Weather forecasting technology has come a long way, thanks to the foundational work of governments and academic institutions worldwide. This progress has enabled humanity to predict weather conditions with a fair degree of confidence. However, there are still gaps—especially at the local level and during critical weather events. Xcast allows you to elevate weather prediction accuracy from reasonable confidence to near certainty for significant positive business impact. 

The impact of weather varies significantly across geographies and businesses. Your concern might be specific—like precise precipitation measurements or accurate temperature readings—or more about the timing or certainty of a weather event. Local features can greatly influence these factors, and traditional weather models do not consider the effects of things such as trees, roads, or buildings or simply take too long to process. While machine learning can account for these factors, it frequently lacks the necessary data. Xcast closes this gap, ensuring that you get a weather forecast that's as unique as your business needs. With the latest technology we have solved both the problem of data availability and processing speed.  

How does Xcast work?

Xcast-powered forecasts are created through a three-step process: 

1. Data creation and collection: Utilizing Vaisala's trusted sensing technology, Xcast begins by creating and collecting data to supplement the broader weather infrastructure. The reliability of our sensors is unquestioned, proven by their endurance on both Earth and Mars. 

2. Data integration and Machine Learning: Our unique data is then integrated with other public and private datasets. Using proprietary machine learning algorithms—including the latest in deep learning approaches tailored to the specific weather parameters that matter to your business—we generate accurate predictions.  

3. Use case-specific algorithms: Finally, we blend these predictions with specialized algorithms and generative AI. This ensures that the insights you receive are not just about the weather but are directly applicable to your business decisions. 

In essence, Vaisala Xweather transcends traditional weather forecasting, offering a solution that understands and adapts to your specific business needs. Xcast is our way to offer the weather confidence that your business demands.  

What’s your X?  

Discover how Xcast technology powers business operations across industries: 

Xcast for Roads

Xcast for District Heating

Xcast for optimizing your daily business operations

Scott Mackaro

Head of Innovation

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