


The Forecast view displays weather forecast data for a single location. Additionally, this view allows users to expand the forecast day to view more detailed forecast data.



Display the extended detailed forecast for Minneapolis, MN:

const view = new aeris.wxblox.views.Forecast('#wxblox');
    p: 'minneapolis,mn'

Display the hourly forecast for Seattle, WA for the next 24 hours:

const view = new aeris.wxblox.views.Forecast('#wxblox', {
    type: 'hourly'
    p: 'seattle,wa',
    limit: 24


The following configuration options are supported by this view:

typeType: string (undefined)The type of forecast to display from the following options: detailed gives an daily view with expandable rows for more details; daynight renders a single day in its day and night periods; hourly renders an hourly forecast and requires a request filter of either 1hr (default) or 3hr.detailed
enabledType: boolean (undefined)Whether or not the view is enabled. If false then the view will not be rendered and data required for the view will not be requested. This option is typically only applicable for views contained within a parent layout.true
metricType: boolean (undefined)Whether or not to display units in metric. The method setUnits() can be used at runtime once a view has rendered to change the units currently displayed.false
renderNoDataType: boolean (undefined)Whether or not the view should be rendered if data was not returned or not available.true
requestType: object (undefined)An object containing the default Weather API request options to use for the views's data request where applicable. These parameters can also be overriden in the load(:params) method when rendering the view using the JavaScript method.``


The following methods are supported by instances of this view:


The following events are triggered by instances of this view: